Saturday 26 March 2011

Minecraft Beta Review

                                                              Minecraft Beta Review
Minecraft Beta is a game created by Notch and is now being assembled by His team, Team Mojang. Minecraft is growing and people are calling it the best game ever made ever. Is all this hype true? That is why we are here for.

The gameplay in minecraft is fun for children but for real gamers it lacks alot. It has no storyline that is one flaw and there are no Objectives. There are barely any explosives apart from T.N.T and Creepers but they are boring. This game is fun but after 500 seconds it just starts to lack gameplay. It seems all there is to do is mindlessly walk around a generated world. Minecraft is supposed to be amazing because of its "Breathtaking" generation but all it is is stupid oceans and mountains. Yeah if i want Water and Grass i will just play Forge world in Halo Reach. There are creatures in this game but they are really stupid and they do nothing. They just go around doing nothing. There are also enemies but they also do nothing apart from hug you. There was a zombie chasing me and all it did was hug me it did not hurt me at all. A real game would not do that. My other thing to point out is that this game is a COMPLETE copy of Infiminer. There are weapons in this game but all there are is wooden swords. Yes maybe i would want to pretend to play with a sword if i was a baby. Get real. There are no Guns or grenades so there is nothing to do but walk around.

Building is supposed to be a amazing aspect of Minecraft and everyone says that the building is amazing but is it really? First off all you can build with is dirt. I tried braking stone and stuff and nothing happened as well as it took forever to mine. Once you have some Dirt your supposed to build a house but the building is terrible and it just turns into a random pillar of dirt. I think the Building is ridiculous and ill just stick to Halo Reach's Forge mode if i want to build.

Minecraft sounds are stupid. These sounds are made for babies who think Cows mooing is a amazing sound. Unlike Black ops where there is Gun sounds and you can hear Explosions everywhere in this game there are just animals making annoying sounds. The music is also terrible. Its just boring sad music like Opera music. Good music like Enimen which Black ops had but Minecraft just has Mozart.

Multiplayer is the worst Multiplayer ever. First off you get banned if you use ONE tnt. You get banned for making a explosive? Yeah thats really fun. Most of the fun stuff like fire and lavas are banned online because the game is boring and cannot handle that. It is just people saying stupid things and complaining. Also to play online you have to hack someone and get there IP which is just stupid because it is just Promoting the use of Hacks.

Minecraft is a fun game for 500 Seconds but the Lack of guns and Vehicles make this a massive let down. As well as the stupid name of "Beta" all the updates just brake the whole game.

Overall Score: 1.56/10


  1. Go fuck yourself you stupid twelve year old troll, it's a creative game not an fps shooter. If you like them so much just go and fucking play them.
    p.s Learn to spell and use grammar asstard.

  2. Apparently you don't have enough brain power to recognize what Minecraft is. It's a sandbox game, where YOU are the storyline. YOU choose EVERY thing you do. It's also the basic fact that you can do pretty much ANYTHING that makes the game so fun.

    It's not a FPS as the person above said, it's Minecraft. (I'm agreeing with you John)

    Also, Multi-player isn't done yet, but it's sure in hell fun. Also, it tells you that it's still in "early buggy testing". So obviously it's not gonna be full out done yet, and to go off of what you said, make your own damn server if you want that, there are MODS out there that allow for guns, and explosives. (along with everything else)

    Basically, what you want is a FPS game, so you try to rip on Minecraft because it isn't one. Well how about you search for a Mod that'll make it a FPS, or get the hell off the game.

    Use your dang brain and build whatever the heck you want, and do WHATEVER.

  3. Sorry you're gonna get flamed by rabid Minecraft fans I read the forums they're not to polite over there. I strongly disagree with this review, but I don't need to tell you to go fuck yourself ^.

    I don't think this game has Mozart, but JUST Mozart? You are certainly entitled to your opinion however this review is lacking. Minecraft has a high learning curve, but all information can be found online.

    Minecraft is truly a sandbox game. It requires patients and an ability to set your own goals like go build a submarine or a lighthouse or whatever it doesn't matter it's up to you! You can even build with someone else online. The reward you get from Minecraft is standing back from your creations and saying I BUILT THAT SHIT.

    Online multiplayer servers are privately owned and you probably found someone who didn't want tnt in their server. Different strokes for different pholks.

    There is also a tremendous modder community for Minecraft. The game can be given high def graphics- advanced lighting and all, and contents of the game can be modded in tons of ways.

    If you are paying this much attention to the fighting system or the AI of this game you are severely missing the point. I understand how having different preferences for games is OK- Minecraft is not for everyone. But I heartily recommend dropping the guns and fireballs for a moment and let loose with the creativity!

  4. are you serious about this review? I mean for real did you even TRY to play the game? Im not even gonna say anything about this, your just plain dumb. FOR REAL.

  5. You must suck horribly @ this game. Not to worry, soon you'll hit puberty and fail @ girls, as well.

  6. Cant tell if trolling or just stupid.

  7. Biggest troll ever.
    I love this review xD

  8. Egging one guy along with a circular argument on the forums =/= good trolling. Try at least being creative and not just saying the most outrageous thing you can think of to piss people off over and over and over.

  9. @Eric are you just xelitegamers with a different account, you are the only one who ever agrees with the posts... and to the review... well i think most the people above me have told you how big an idiot you are just reread that for me

  10. Most of the things you said about the game that didn't involve your opinion were false. Read the wiki page. You may actually enjoy the game if you learn how to play it.

  11. Froelich131 and Greg are completely correct. MineCraft is a sandbox game, not what you want it to be.

    On the note of multiplayer: You griefed didn't you? Fool.

  12. Yeah. You sure are an elite gamer. How about I do a review on Halo Reach Forge and treat it as a sandbox? Bet you'd get real mad.

  13. I think you have ADHD if nothing entertains you without explosions. The Minecraft soundtrack is like sex for your ears. The gameplay is extremely satisfying, starting from nothing and making an amazing castle. You don't even know what tools to use. You can get better materials, like wood and stone by punching trees and making tools, retard.

  14. I have never seen a bigger fail for a game review in my life, you obviously didn't even try to play the game for longer then "500 seconds", and didn't even look up how to play the game, and your gaming skills obviously suck too becuz i had an iron sword and a 50x50 base built in 2 hours. Minecraft is not an FPS game, it is not meant to be an FPS game it is a sandbox game and you obviously don't understand a damn thing about it, you're a dumbass for even trying to make a good review about a game that you know nothing about.

  15. If you want a storyline, here's one:

    -Go to school to learn how to use grammar
    -Go to school to learn how to look up how to play this game
    -Learn how to play this game
    -Build a little shelter with a furnace, crafting table and chest

    More like a checklist, but you get the idea.

  16. bahahaha ya'll got trolled by the most blatant troll I have ever seen in my life

  17. Okay, after reading the small amount of reviews on this site, I've developed the honest opinion that you are quite arrogant, and either under 8 years old or mentally retarted. Not only is your knowledge of the English language very lacking, you also seem to be a terrible gamer (you can't even figure out how to mine stone in minecraft), and are very narrow-minded in your ridiculous love for shooting and explosions.

    Either the above, or you're just trying to be funny or trying to make people hate the reviews so much that they massively go to this site and read them (which seems to be working, so congrats if that is your goal)

  18. Dude, read yourself:

    "The gameplay in this is the best Gameplay ever featured in a game since Modern Warfare 2. There are tons of cool Guns and the whole game there are explosions everywhere. The storyline is amazing, You are Alex Mason who has to destroy a rocket and destroy a ship and the whole game is you in helicopters making loads of explosions and shooting lots of people. There is nothing wrong with the Story line apart from the boring bits where there is just talking but that is ok because the Gameplay make's up for it."

    Explosions, explosions, explosions...

    If you think explosions makes a game, you fail at gamer's life. You are obviously NOT qualified to make games reviews.

    1. This. This describes this 5 year old perfectly.

  19. Just for the record, just to show how WRONG is this review, minecraft won the 2010 Edge award for best game(indie).

    here's notch (minecraft creator) holding it to the camera:

    Before reviewing a game you should play it trought and discover what the games has to offer you, not only to play it 500 secons and say you can do nothing, here are some examples of what can be done in minecraft:

    some characters made out of wool:
    star trek's SS. Enterprise:
    the titanic:
    a FUNCTIONAL rollercoaster:

    and these are just a few examples of what are you cappable of building in minecraft with just a little bit of determination and hard work...

    so please don't flame a game just because you can't play it...

  20. i just cried with laughter xD

    all you can build with is dirt?! it just turns into a pillar?! ahahahaha!

    you had to hack someone to get there ip? i want to know where in your head that came from!

    where there is gun sounds......
    i'm gonna repeat that to myself all day xD

  21. so at all.. you got no idea what minecraft is about?

  22. Wow, if you fail at minecraft, how bad must you fail at life?
    You're one heck of a retard, may it have ever occurred to you that you might have been doing it all wrong? Search for it on Google! Oh wait, Google was probably in your parental block...

  23. Lol its funny cos he's comparing it to FPS games

  24. I lol'd harder.
    I'm german and you write worser than me before I really learned english grammar. And you'r opinnion about games is really retarded. By the way, Mozart have got more fans than Eminem. Get a brain and learn how to mine stone and go build a TNT-Cannon... oh wait - sorry redstone is definitly to complicated for a 7 year old kid.
    So long -

  25. The sad thing is...this lame blog poster isn't trolling.
    He is just another retard who thinks that if a game is not a FPS, it's not a "real" game or a "good" game. minecraft multiplayer, you won't get banned if you read the rules BEFORE blowing up something AND in some whistlist servers people are allowed to blow up old stuff or mines to make them bigger if admins want to do it.

    This is the shittiest review that i have ever seen....
    U should actually search things about the game b4 making a review...
    this review just made justin bieber look like chuck norris

  27. Uhm, you say that SWORDS are childish? What about the Ballistic Knife from your precious Black Ops? Swords are stronger and more badass then a knife. Even if that knife can be shot. Also, what about a DIAMOND sword? You know, DIAMOND? The strongest thing on Earth? And possibly the UNIVERSE? (Scientists don't know how anything can be stronger then Diamond) But, I bet you thought Diamonds were just used for jewellery huh? How old are you like, 11? I love Black Ops but come on, not every game can be a FPS and have Explosives. I would LOVE for you to show us how "stupid" a game like Final Fantasy VII is or Kingdom Hearts.

  28. You made my fuckin day ! 10/10 trolling !

  29. I think it was Master Chief from Arby 'n' The Chief that wrote that xD

  30. Hey people, if you want an ACTUAL review of Minecraft, then go to this link and read:

  31. ^ Shameless promotion, LOL.

  32. The funny thing is, Mozart is about 20x better than eminem

  33. LoL review..... I have read your "review" and really suggest you to either inform yourself about a game before playing it and then posting such a bad review or simple not do any review at all.
    I wanted to critize it, but it's too long to get all, just one thing: You don't need explosions everywhere, you don't need guns AND you don't need to have a storyline for good games. (Does CS:S has Story? NO! But it was long time very popular and most played FPS)

  34. Minecraft is a beautiful game, full of exploration and searching. You have to make your own quests in minecraft. And, YOU CANT COMPARE BLACK OPS AND MINECRAFT!!!!1111!!!!! its like comparing mcdonalds and a car dealer it just doesnt work out at all, and that part of hacking to get their ip? Uh how stupid are you? Like comeonbrosif THEY GIVE YOU THE IP IF THEY INVITE YOU RAGE RAGE RAGE RAGE! And although im not a fan of opera, opera is beautiful music made by amazing people eminem is just some sad old fuck who beats his wife and complains about life, and a lot of what you said contradicts everything you said, you say no objectives at all, then you say you get to set your own objectives witch is great or something like that

  35. My first comment was not enough obviously, you can also build into a mountain, mine for stone to make a house. Are you one of those kids that only buys a game because of the cover? I wouldnt buy minecraft because of the cover but i watched gameplay and learned what to do. You simply dont have the patients to LEARN

  36. Oh yes one more thing, your review was bias. You cannot be on one complete side in a review and you barely pointed out the great things in minecraft. Blackops is god awful

  37. I love how he does loads of reviews on Minecraft stuff and keeps saying he hates it. If you hate it just don't review it. I think you like Minecraft and if you don't then you are just another mindless fan of C.O.D (not disrespecting C.O.D just saying HE'S mindless). And here's a few Minecraft tips: DON'T try to kill monsters on creative, they won't damage you. Don't punch stone with your hands, craft a pickaxe
    Wood | Wood | Wood
    ------| Stick |------
    ------| Stick |------
    and you can make stone, iron, gold and diamond swords and other tools too.
    And Enimen, really?
    Infiniminer was cancelled in development and Minecraft is not STOLEN from it, Infiniminer was an inspiration for Minecraft.
    You also seem to have NO creativity.
    Minecraft - "W-w-where am I? I-is that a pig? Where am I? Well, I better make myself comfortable" [two minutes later] "I built a house, cool"
    C.O.D - "OOH, GUN!! *bang bang bang*" [two minutes later] *bang bang bang*
    I rest my case

  38. Oh...and CoD isn't really that great of a series.

  39. alright MLG_Slayer i would like to say a few things:
    First off: minecraft is a creative game designed to build stuff with other stuff for example a house out of wood to get wood you destroy a tree to get stone you use a pickaxe at a stone wall its common sence
    Secondly: if your seriously saying you mad this review after playing this game then you must be really bad at games i play halo (not cod) i HATE(my opinion) cod its the same game with different levels every time theres nothing new in any of them id rate halo 8.9/10 id rate cod 2/10 (at most)
    minecraft on the other hand i would rate 9/10 (yes not 10) my reason for not going 10/10 is simple creepers they annoy me but i need to kill spiders if there was a way to remove specific mobs in vannila minecraft it'd be 10/10 its as simple as that
