Sunday 27 March 2011

Call of Duty: Black ops Review

                                                       Call of duty Black ops Review
Call of duty Black ops is the greatest game of all time but people sometimes wonder. How great is it? Well that is why xELITE GAMERz is here to crack this mystery and tell you everything good about it.
The gameplay in this is the best Gameplay ever featured in a game since Modern Warfare 2. There are tons of cool Guns and the whole game there are explosions everywhere. The storyline is amazing, You are Alex Mason who has to destroy a rocket and destroy a ship and the whole game is you in helicopters making loads of explosions and shooting lots of people. There is nothing wrong with the Story line apart from the boring bits where there is just talking but that is ok because the Gameplay make's up for it.

                                                             Nazi zombies
Nazi zombies is the funnest Mini game mode EVER since Spec ops from Modern warfare 2. In it you repeatedly shoot Zombies but there Nazis. You get to Shoot Nazi's in various different enviroments such as a foggy bunker and a foggy Swamp and a foggy zombie making facility as well as a rocket testing facility (Dont worry you can blow up the rocket). You can shoot Zombies with up to three other people which is really fun. There is a engaging storyline in the zombies mode. You are trapped and must kill a unlimited supply of zombies which the Nazis are commanding but sometimes there are japanese zombies as a plot twist and recently there has been American zombies and even Russian Zombies.

Sounds in this game are the best to date. There are loads of Bangs and it feels like you are really in the game. Instead of explaining these breath taking wonders i will link a video instead so you can experience the High definition First hand.

Black ops is a amazing game and i hope to see YOU online someday.

Overall rating 9.95/10


  1. Is this a troll? Seriously, this is from a noobs perspective. The singleplayer is horribly restrictive with a crazy plot. Plus, while the multiplayer overall is good, the spawn system is not. Nazi Zombies is fun if you like it. But by the way you described it you sound like an idiot.

    Also: I call BS at your user name you are in no way representing MLG. You are one of those dang wannabes that give MLG a bad name!

  2. Such a brutal review. I call sarcasm.

  3. You seriously haven't played a good FPS.

  4. MGL, you make me want to cry.

    Black Ops is not really that good of a game in today's standards. When it got released, people became biased, thinking "this is the next new thing from Treyarch," but no. Call of Duty: Black Ops has generally poor graphics and sound, and I'm very disappointed with the linearity of level designs. The storyline is bizarre and the explosions and graphics are NOTHING compared to games like Crysis.

    You REALLY need to shut up, play some more FPS and come back in 15 years when you can actually write better than my 4 year old brother.

  5. Black Ops is the best game ever made, huh? What about the constant lag in Black Ops? Terrible graphics for this generation, short Single-Player, steep learning curve in Multi-Player. Call of Duty 4 is the best Cod game. NOT Black Ops. Oh, and the sounds in Black Ops are absolutely TERRIBLE. You can't hear shit. Headsets are absolutely useless. BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING TO HEAR. Plus, your blog name confuses me. Elite Gamers? You are one person. Not a group of people. Seems like this 11 year old kid found no one else who thinks Black Ops is godly. Black Ops is VERY far away from being the best game ever made. Call of Duty isn't even the best game SERIES ever made. In GameFAQ's annual Best Game Ever Made contest, Call of Duty barely gets anywhere. You know what game has won on multiple occasions? LEGEND OF ZELDA: OCARINA OF TIME! You know, in your AdventureCraft review, the game series you said was "boring" Another game that has won? Final Fantasy VII. Both of these games have very few explosions and guns.

  6. I read these reviews for entertainment.


  7. Best game of all time?
    Has this kid never played FF7, OOT, Portal, SC (or SCII), HL2 or super mario 64?
    Why is he allowed to breathe my air?

    1. @ rory Hahahahahahaha (Intakes breath) thank you thank you so much.

  8. Oh god these are funny! I lol so hard when I read this kid's posts.
